Romans:8:28 “And we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the GOOD of those who LOVE Him and have been CALLED according to HIS purpose.”
I often TELL others, "When your circumstances appear to be sad or bad, don't look DOWN and complain, look UP and try to see what God is doing! Put up your prayer-antennae and ask… 'God, what are you doing? How can this work for my GOOD… help me see YOUR opportunities for my life and ministry due to this difficult time?'"
The context of Romans 8:28 is definitely saturated with the Christian's ability to deal with hardship and persecution, look at 8:37-38: "No, in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, (including the coronavirus) will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (emphasis mine). Nothing can remove us from God's presence or his Love and Care! I don't know why this scourge of the coronavirus is here, and NO ONE ELSE knows but God! I am always amazed when something like this comes along, a few self-made prophets always what to make self-made proclamations, as if they had a direct hot-line to God. For example, regarding the COVID -19 pandemic, I have heard all the typical comments, such as: "God used the COVID -19 to judge the world for its sinfulness." “God sent the COVID-19 virus to judge Christians around the world for starting to worship idols.” “God sent the COVID-19 virus to punish the world for killing unborn children" Or, as one very popular Christian author said, in a recent book written about the virus, that because God is "sovereign" (actually the word is "Lord" in the Bible, not “sovereign”) he says conclusively, "The coronavirus was therefore sent by God. To believe otherwise is to have a sentimental view of God." How shameful is this sort of talk and teaching! Could God send a plague to "punish" evil, and sin? – of course, He already has… there is no greater plague than the plague of the Fall of Man and even Creation as a punishment for refusing to believe and trust in God (Genesis Chapter Three). But that is much different than to claim, as this author does, that God "sends" every evil upon mankind. Yes, God allows us to suffer and allows up to be persecuted, but to claim that God is the author of every evil is in my view evil itself! Let us deal with the WHAT and not stress ourselves and others with the WHY, just trust God, live wisely, and move on! We need to stop blaming God for everything! Is He Lord of everything, and does He have the power over everything and everyone? Yes! But does He intentionally kill millions and millions through disease and "natural disasters" and wars just to get our attention? Really? This is horrible theology! It is not "sentimental" to believe that God is the God of compassion and love and mercy who sees us through such disasters as pandemics, and wars (Ps. 135:14, Matt. 9:36, Psalms 23, James 1:13). He is the God to whom we Pray in times such as these. He is the God who can make us better people, better parents, better children, better Christians THROUGH tragic events, IF we look for His "Good." If you want to blame tragedies on someone or something, blame it on Evil, and SIN, and the Fall of Adam, and even Satan himself (book of Job) but don't blame it on GOD! But do TRUST in God no matter what! So, let's look for the GOOD that God has for us through all pain and sorrow and tragedy. There is a song that has always encouraged me during times like these entitled "Through It All, " written by Christian artist Andrae Crouch, that goes like this: Read and sing it if you know it and take heart!
I've had many tears and sorrowsI've had questions for tomorrowThere's been times I didn't know right from wrongBut in every situationGod gave me blessed consolationThat my trials come to only make me strong
I thank God for the mountainsAnd I thank Him for the valleysI thank Him for the storms He brought me throughFor if I'd never had a problemI wouldn't know God could solve themI'd never know what faith in God could do
Through it all, Through it allI've learned to trust in JesusI've learned to trust in GodThrough it all, Through it allI've learned to depend upon His Word
By God’s Grace we will all get through the tough times, and somehow be better because of it!
Dr. Randy Smith
Youth Ministry Training, Follow Jesus, church training, youth ministry experience.