Conferences & Seminars
1. Basic - One or Two-day seminars
These basic seminars teach critical youth ministry principles and strategies that give church youth leaders
(volunteer or paid, in small or mega churches) a balanced structure that provides practical instructions on how to develop the culturally appropriate programs that reach and disciple youth in the church as well as strategies to reach youth who do not follow Jesus who are outside the church. This Seminar can be delivered face to face at the church or online with a reliable internet connection.
This Basic Seminar helps define the mission statement of the youth ministry establishes the Biblical philosophy
and strategy upon which to design and build programs that are culturally appropriate while at the same time do not violating scriptural guidelines.
2. Advanced - One or Two-day seminars
These advanced specialized training seminars offer training and instruction that address such topics as:
Youth Culture Issues such as: Strategies for Reaching Youth Sub-Cultures
Sexual Identity (LGBTQ?) and the Church
Sexual Identity: Transgender
Apologetics issues [creation/evolution, good & evil, dealing with pain and suffering]
Bibliology & Hermeneutics (The Interpretation of Scripture)
Personal relationships [parents, friends, sexual temptation]
Social Media & Phonophobia
Programming [Budgeting & Calendar Planning]
Volunteer Recruitment/Training.
Curriculum Development
Ministry to Troubled Youth [Counseling: Family disfunction, bullying, addictions, etc.]
Teen Missions (Great Commission involvement and mission trips)
Teen Personal Evangelism Training and/or Reaching their Campus for Christ.
Youth Discipleship [Process & implementation]
How to Communicate & Teach Youth. [Large & Small Groups, Experiential Learning]
Camping and Retreat Ministry
Missions Trips
Ministry to, with, and for Parents of Youth
Academic Training & Advising
Dr. Smith and GYMC’s national and international partners are assisting and advising local Bible Colleges and Seminaries initiate and establish Youth Ministry Academic programs at many academic levels: Certificate, Diplomas, BA, MA, and Doctoral degree programs. These academic
degree programs include up to 12 specialization locally accredited courses, taught by trained certified and experienced practitioner-professors which include local church application and accountability.
Courses available to be taught face to face or online with a reliable internet connection:
Principles of Youth Ministry
Youth Culture
Programming of Youth Ministry
Evangelism and Campus Outreach
Discipleship of Youth
Communication to Youth
Curriculum Development
Youth and Family Ministry
Ministry to Troubled Youth
Camps and Retreats
Contemporary Youth Missions
Professional Orientation of Youth Ministry
Coaching and Advising
Youth Workers:
After initial Training GCYM offers personal ministry coaching and mentoring when available. Dr. Smith or other certified trainers can be assigned to youth workers who
need assistance in implementing all training that is used in GCYM training programs. This training can be done face to face on location at churches or online.
(face to face advising and consultation will require the travel expenses be covered by the
church of youth network).
Pastors and Church Boards:
Dr. Smith and GCYM certified trainers offer consultation and advising to church senior staff and church boards on the implementation of Biblically balanced and culturally appropriate Great Commission youth ministry for their church.

“If the Great Commission is going to be accomplished in the 21st Century
it must by-and-large become a Youth Movement”
Dr. Randy Smith